2024 Elections

2024 May Endorsement Convention

WEA-PAC LogoThe Washington Education Association Political Action Committee (WEA-PAC) invited 2024 candidates for statewide offices to participate in our endorsement process, which consists of submitting a completed candidate questionnaire and attending our candidate recommendation convention on May 11, 2024, in Federal Way. 

Candidates who demonstrate viability by raising $80,000 or more by May 1, 2024 are invited to participate.

Candidates attending (as of 4/14)

Attorney General


Nick Brown


Manka Dhingra

Commissioner of Public Lands


Dave Upthegrove

kevin van de wege

Kevin Van De Wege

patrick depoe

Patrick DePoe

Superintendent of Public Instruction

reid saaris

Reid Saaris

Chris Reykdal

Chris Reykdal

vincent perez

Vincent Perez

WEA-PAC members attending 

Each UniServ Council and represented unit (ESP/ACT, higher ed, retirees, staff) were allocated three voting representatives, typically their WEA-PAC Board Manager, WEA Council President and one additional person as was chosen by each delegation (Council/ represented unit). Everyone in attendance must be a WEA-PAC member.

WEA-PAC members have the opportunity to submit questions ahead of time. WEA President Larry Delaney will ask selected questions during the event. 


If you have questions, please reach out to Cassie Carrillo or Simone Boe.